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Once the uninstallation wizard opens, confirm that you want to uninstall AutoHotkey and the software will be removed from your computer.Search for AutoHotkey on the list of installed applications, then click the “Uninstall” button.Type “Add or Remove Programs” in the Windows Search bar and hit the Enter button.If you are no longer interested in using AutoHotkey, see the steps below for a simple guide on how to uninstall the application from your PC: You can also get help or find many useful scripts on the AutoHotkey discussion forum. Add some hotkeys and instruct AutoHotkey to run the script file. You will be prompted to create a script file.Once done, click “Run AutoHotkey” to run the application.Express installation automatically installs the default settings of the application. Select your type of installation (either custom or express) to proceed.exe file to start the installation process. Go to your download folder and double-click the.Click the Download button as shown below and select the version you want to install.Click on the download button on the sidebar to go directly to the AutoHotkey download page.How to Download and Install AutoHotkey on Your PC for Free Simply follow the instructions below to get started. AutoHotkey allows you to create hotkeys for your keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc., and almost any key, button, or combination of keys can become a hotkey. You can even write macros by hand or by using the macro recorder. With this tool, you can create new hotkeys on your computer by simply sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. Best Parental Control for iPhone & iPadĪutoHotkey is an open-source automation scripting language for Windows.IPVanish VPN vs Private Internet Access.